Church School Status
St Stephen's C.E. V.C. primary school enjoys a very good working relationship with St Stephen's church. The church is located on Bird Street and our pupils visit for enrichment activities and to learn more about key Christian values such as love, joy, hope, humility and peace which are central messages at Christmas and Easter. We enjoy visits ato the church and specific times of the year and as part of our learning in R.E. The church "Open the Book" team visit monthly to share a bible story through drama and the vicar or curate leads worship once each week.
The church team work hard with the headteacher to enrich acts of worship as we strive to Include all, invite all to worship and to Inspire them with key messages about God's love for us. School values leaders meet on a regular basis to plan and deliver worship across school and in classes. The school choir also visits church for harvest each year and families are invited to church for Christingle service and a variety of church community events.
Our church offers huge support to our community. A food market takes place every Friday at church and Kate Traynor, church family worker, collaborates with school to deliver sport and family activities within the local area and at church.
You can find out more about our St. Stephen's church here: