Computing 2023 - 2024

At St Stephen's, technology is integrated across curriculum as well as being taught explicitly through Computing lessons. We aim to equip children with the knowledge and skills to thrive in an ever-developing technological world. We have access to a wide range of technology devices; a computing suite, chromebooks, iPads and other programmable devices. 

We start teaching how to use technology in Nursery and the children develop their knowledge and skills as they move through the school. Teaching the children provides the opportunity to develop transferable skills within other areas of the curriculum. We want every child to be digitally literate in order to enable them to keep pace with the dynamic world of technology.

We teach our children to become confident, competent and responsible members of the digital world. 



At St Stephen’s, we intend to provide a holistic and creative computing curriculum, which promotes computational thinking and inspires children to be creative. The structured sequences of lessons ensure that children have covered the skills required to meet the aims of the national curriculum. Additionally, it allows for broad and deep understanding of computing - and how this links to our children's lives. Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that each year builds upon the knowledge and skills practiced in the previous one and cross-curricular links can be made to support other areas of learning.
The curriculum has been split into three parts:
* Digital Literacy; this details internet safety, as well as how technology can be used safely and responsibly.
* Information Technology; this details the use of computers to create and alter media and information. Here children will create videos, animations, music, spreadsheets and posters.
* Computer Science; this will focus on algorithms and debugging in a child-friendly and practical way. This section also looks at the uses of the internet and how networks are important in the world we in live today.

Through high-quality teaching, the intent is for pupils to:
* understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
* analysis of problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
* evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
* be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology



At St Stephen's, computing is taught in our well-equipped ICT Suite. We also have a range of mobile devices that we use to support the curriculum both in classrooms and outside. Computing sessions happen once a week. However, teachers also plan additional sessions and cross-curricular activities using ICT. Online Safety is of paramount importance to us and is reflected in the fact that we start every year with this as a focus with children building upon their previous knowledge as appropriate to their age group expectations. This is also a strong feature of our online learning policy for remote education. We use Purple Mash as a platform for learning, along with other ICT platforms to save, store and promote children’s work. Children are encouraged to apply their skills in computing across the curriculum when presenting work and researching information, this includes homework.



Throughout all the strands, children will be taught how to stay safe when using electronic devices, as well as internet etiquette. By teaching these units, it enables them to become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information technology and we hope to create well-rounded children who are conscientious digital citizens. Learning in computing will be enjoyed across the school. Teachers will have high expectations and quality evidence will be presented in a variety of forms. Children will use digital and technological vocabulary accurately, alongside a progression in their technical skills. They will be confident using a range of hardware and software and will produce high-quality purposeful products. Children will see the digital world as part of their world, extending beyond school, and understand that they have choices to make.


Equality and diversity

St Stephen's is committed to support the Equality Act of 2010 and, as such, believes that all pupils should be exposed to curriculum content and resources which reflect modern Britain. Pupils are enabled to see themselves and others within the resources used and acquire knowledge and skills, understanding that curriculum content is relevant and has purpose for them. We continue to purchase resources so that all pupils, equally, are encouraged to make best progress possible.


Access and inclusion

Every child has access to the Computing curriculum and the Special Education Needs and EAL co-ordinators assist staff to ensure that children have the necessary resources to learn their next steps in learning. A variety of resources such as additional support staff, laptops, ipads, overlays, coloured paper and enlarged text support individuals to access learning. We endeavour to ensure that all children make the necessary progress to succeed in their acquisition of Computing knowledge and skills.


Deepening spirituality

Teachers use a variety of resources including audio visual, texts, visits and visitors to enable pupils to understand the world they live in and to reflect on their own identity as well as that of others. A sense of awe and wonder is developed through study of the subject and a celebration for that which enriches the world for all. We encourage our pupils to believe that they can change the world for the better after continuing to acquire knowledge from this curriculum subject.



Assessment for learning is continuous throughout the planning, teaching and learning cycle.

Assessment is supported by use of the following strategies: 

  • Observing children at work, individually, in pairs, in a group and in class during whole class teaching.
  • Using differentiated, open-ended questions that require children to explain and unpick their understanding.
  • Book moderation and monitoring of outcomes of work, to evaluate the range and balance of work and to ensure that tasks meet the needs of different learners (with the acquisition of the pre-identified key knowledge of each topic and skills being evidenced through the outcomes).
  • Child and teacher review of both the agreed success criteria at the end of each unit, to inform focused consolidation where this is necessary.
  • Practical work is recorded on Seesaw.


Recommended books

100 things.PNG         ada lovelace.PNG    hacker.PNG    social media.PNG   swapped my brother on the internet.PNG    troll stinks.PNG


Careers in Computing

jobs.JPG    job.JPG    job 2.JPG    job 3.JPG    job 4.JPG


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