Extra Curricular Activities

At St. Stephen's, we believe it is important to give our children the very best opportunities.  That not only means an exciting and progressive curriculum, but also those opportunities that only extra curricular clubs can provide.  We have a dedicated and talented staff team who take the time to offer a range of activities for our children to enhance their experiences at school.  Where we can, we also invite professional coaches to teach our children their skills.  

Day Club Who For Staff Member
Monday after school Choir KS2 Mrs Devitt
Tuesday Lunch Language Club LKS2 Mrs Gorman and the Confuscious Institute
Tuesday Lunch Card games Club UKS2 Mrs Cookson
Tuesday Lunch Maths Club LKS2 Mrs Cheetham
Tuesday after school Science Club Science Ambassadors Mrs Robinson
Tuesday after school Art Club LKS2 Miss Crowe
Tuesday after school Football Club UKS2 Mr Scott and Mr Ingram
Wednesday Lunch Girls' football UKS2 Fishwick Rangers
Wednesday Lunch Board Games LKS2 Mr Wood
Wednesday after school Tag Rugby KS2 Mr Haydock 
Thursday Lunch Magic Club Y6 Mr Scott
Thursday Lunch Eco Council Class reps Mrs Cookson
Various lunch times School Council Class reps Mrs Cheetham
Monday Lunch time Values Leaders Class reps Ms Wright
Various Lunchtimes Class Librarians Class reps Miss Booth

We have a variety of extra curricular activities which run through the year - supported by our dedicated staff: