
Attendance at St Stephen's School

Here at St Stephen's we want every child to aspire to be an 'Attendance HERO' - Here Everyday Ready On time. Please find below useful Attendance Links.

Attendance Staff

If we have concerns regarding your child's attendance or punctuality, you may be contacted by either the school's attendance officer (Mrs Valentine) , or Mrs Islam, one of the school's Learning Mentors. In some cases, you may also be contacted by Ms Wright, our headteacher, or a member of staff from the School Attendance Service.

If you wish to contact school to discuss your child's attendance or for support, please use the details below -

Please see our Policy page for our Attendance Policy

Attendance HERO!

Here at St Stephen's we want every child to be one of our Attendance heroes -




On time

Our classes with 100% attendance are awarded with daily attendance stars.  Every week we award the class with the best attendance with the school attendance trophy.

At the end of each term we award individuals that have super attendance and punctuality!

Please see our attendance newsletter at the bottom of the page.


Absence from school can only be authorised by school for exceptional reasons.  Holidays and trips abroad are not exceptional and should be planned for during school holiday periods.  Permissions to take a child out of school must be sought before planning the leave and unauthorised leave may incur a fine from the Local Authority through the Penalty Notice system.


Understandably, sometimes children are too unwell to attend school, however, if you are in any doubt about whether to send your child to school please remember that we would always call you if we thought your child was too unwell to stay, and there are members of staff who can administer prescribed medicines such as antibiotics.

Please note - it is your duty as a parent/guardian to inform school before registers of a child's absence. Without this, we would be unable to unauthorise any absences, and in some cases where we are unable to make contact, we may need to make a referral to the Children Missing in Education team. You can inform us of an absence by  telephoning school on 01772 556306. Please do not send a Dojo message to teacher as these aren't often read during the day.


Being on time to school is really important in order for your child to have a good start to their day - children who are late often have an unsettled start to their day and miss out on key socialising time with their friends before school starts. 

The doors open to classes at 8:45am and close at 8:50am sharp. After this, children are to come through the office to be signed in via the late gate which is monitored.

Be Here Everyday Ready On time!



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