School Uniform

Please visit the policies section of the school website for the most up-to-date school uniform policy.

At St Stephen’s, the school uniform consists of:

  • Grey skirt/pinafore or grey school trousers/shorts. Black, grey or dark blue leggings may be worn under a school skirt/pinafore.
  • Sky blue polo shirt.
  • Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan, with or without the school logo.
  • [Summer term only] Blue and white gingham check dress (black, grey, dark blue or white leggings under the dress may be worn).


Children should wear black low-heeled school shoes. Black trainers are permitted and black ankle boots.

PE kit consists of:

  • Black/blue shorts or leggings (any of the colours specified above)
  • White t-shirt or polo shirt
  • Trainers or black pumps/plimsolls

Jewellery (including earrings and watches):

Most jewellery items should not be worn to school. We only allow stud earrings and watches. No jewellery is allowed during any kind of physical activity. Earrings should not be worn on days when there is swimming, games or PE, unless the child can remove and replace their own. Before having your child’s ears pierced, please consider the problems this may cause in school. As such, we strongly encourage any ear piercings to be arranged for the beginning of the school summer holidays.

Watches may be worn but are not necessary (due to the provision of clocks around the school environment). If a child brings a watch to school, the school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. Pupils cannot bring smart watches (such as Apple Watches or Fitbits) to school.

We understand that some children may wish to wear jewellery items for faith or religious reasons. We ask that parents speak to school staff to discuss this, where this applies.

Items for cultural, medical or health and safety reasons:

Pupils may wear plain head scarves – these can be black, dark blue, grey or white. These should be close fitting to the head and be free of loose fabric for health and safety reasons.

Medical-aid wristbands or items to be worn around the neck as per the recommendation of the school health team are permitted. However, these must be part of a care plan for a child and agreed with the school team. These must always be worn with a break free strap.

Hair bands and hair decorations:

Headbands should be plain and of school colours (i.e. blue/black). Large or colourful hair bands or hair decorations should not be worn to school.

Hair styling and skin/nail decorations:

Hair colours should be natural. Pupils should not wear hair dye to school. Long hair should be tied back or fastened back from the face, and tramlines (or similar) should be avoided.

Pupils should not wear tattoos or nail varnish to school.


We ask that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled.

Exceptions to the Uniform Policy:

In some circumstances, pupils may be unable to wear school uniform, or families may wish to request an exception for a particular reason. Exceptions to the Uniform Policy must be agreed with members of the school senior leadership team.

Where finances and affordability are a barrier to wearing the school uniform or PE kit, families should contact the school’s pastoral team for support. Where this applies, families should contact the school office or speak to the Deputy Headteacher to discuss this.
