Vision and Values

Welcome to St Stephen's Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

“We believe that all members of St. Stephen’s C.E. Primary School can “Aspire to Greatness” and that we are born to make a difference in God's world.


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Click on each of the values to find out more and take a look at the British Values Powerpoint below to learn how we teach these values with our curriculum.



Our pupils and community can :

  • Achieve highly
  • Succeed with increasing self-belief
  • Persevere at all times
  • Include everyone and celebrate difference
  • Respect themselves, all others and property
  • Enjoy learning and feel safe in and around school

"For we are the handiwork of God, born in Christ Jesus to do good works that God has pre-planned for us to do"

Ephesians 2:10

We believe that God created us in His image and that we have a responsibility to create a heaven here on earth by striving to be the best that we can be.  We believe that, in realising our true potential, we can contribute positively to the community and to society as a whole.  We are caretakers of this earth and have a duty to respect and appreciate the resources our world provides.

Our acrostic identifies core values for our school and community and the school's values are displayed on banners in the hall as well as within each class reflection area.  We believe that they are lights which shine in our community. Our broad curriculum entitlement is devised to give children enriching experiences and where they can develop the language, social skills and knowledge they need to contribute to life in modern Britain and beyond. 

The school's community of Broadgate is richly diverse and we nurture inclusivity and respect for one another.  Worship is a key strength of the school and where we work hard to invite children to reflect, inspire them to act and to feel included in God's commission to love one another and to respect the earth.   We refer to these values in our communications and they are the bedrock of our relationships in and around the school.

Ofsted, 2018, stated, "Staff and governors recognise and celebrate the diverse and ever-changing make-up of the school community ... you have very successfully established a clear ambition for the school to make a positive difference in the lives of all its pupils".  "The school's curriculum provides pupils with a good breadth of learning across a wide range of subjects... pupils say that they particularly enjoy learning outdoors in the environmental area".

Siams 2020 stated, "highly inclusive Christian worship enables all from different faiths and none to come together as a school family. The vision, "Aspire to Greatness" successfully motivates all groups of pupils to aim for increasingly higher standards. Pupils confidently explain that, as God created them, "He loves us very much and, in return, we need to do good things". 

We are very proud of our school and its community.  Visitors are made very welcome and we hope that all pupils, parents and carers and school partners will continue to be flourished in and around this school setting.           


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