Equality Objectives

Our values are to love and to respect as is reflected in our school bible verse: "For we are the handiwork of God, born in Christ Jesus to do good works that God has pre-planned for us to do" Ephesians 2:10.  As a school, we seek to live out these values and the key message that we are all children of God and should be viewed equally.  

We are mindful of including our children and families so that we all achieve to our potential. To this end, we have a plan to develop our curriculum and building, resources and expertise so that all are able to reach their full potential.


School Equality Objectives: 2022 - 2025

Narrowing the gaps

  • To narrow the gaps in English at KS1 and KS2 between girls and boys
  • To raise aspirations for all pupil groups but particularly the disadvantaged and SEND through an ambitious curriculum


Fostering good relations


  • To enrich curriculum resources and reading material so that teaching material reveals greater diversity (particularly purchasing resources to raise the profile of Black African and Asian groups, gender and disability and the representation of different types of families.
  • To continue to plan worship themes around inclusion so that all minority ethnic groups feel represented and included.
  • Each subject leader to update resources so that diversity is represented as the norm and there is greater representation of minority groups.


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