PSHE 2024 - 2025

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 At St Stephen's C of E Primary School, personal, social and health education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society. The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more.  It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We aim to prepare children to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a world wide community. We want to build a PSHE curriculum that incorporates the understanding and requirements of RSE which enables pupils to explore the complexity of the relationships they will have both now and throughout their lives. Children are equipped with the vocabulary and knowledge to keep themselves safe, and to understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives. We are a Kidsafe school, meaning we have the training to offer sessions focussing on relationships, safety, understanding emotions and knowing when they need to speak out. 


In EYFS at St Stephen’s we value PSED as the foundation of all other learning. PSED teaching weaves through everything we do. Our provision positively contributes to the personal development of the children by equipping our children with attributes, skills and knowledge they require to support physical, mental and emotional well-being in school and beyond. They develop independence, the ability to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas and to work collaboratively. Our curriculum offer in EYFS starts with our children at the heart when they begin their journey in Nursery. Our curriculum is our breathing ethos. We develop the attributes, skills and knowledge they need to be ready for their learning in Year 1. We aim to expose children to new and accurate vocabulary. We encourage children to develop their vocabulary by gaining confidence to ask questions, use their own experiences to support their learning, express their ideas and opinions and put what they have learned into practice in their own lives.



The teaching of PSED at St Stephen’s is based upon the EYFS PSED programme of study (EYFS 2021) ensuring that we have built upon and developed this to meet the needs of our children and our school. Our PSED offer follows two paths; our daily path and discrete path. Our daily path starts from the moment the children start their school day. We explicitly teach core emotions (happy, sad, fear, anger, calm and love) and related vocabulary from the first day by using "The Colour Monster" by Anna Lleynas as a base text for this. Each day, children check in with their teacher to register their emotion upon entry to the setting. Adults regard this check in and it is reviewed during the day. Key worker time is implemented to ensure children form a close bond with their key worker. Children have daily meetings with their key worker. Children’s emotional, social, physical and mental wellbeing is supported and developed throughout the day using a restorative approach underpinned by the Characteristics of Effective Learning (EYFS 2021). We explicitly teach the Characteristics of Effective Learning - they are then referred to daily and children are encouraged to identify when they are using them, for example, "I tried to do this by myself and then I asked a friend for help". We use dinosaurs to convey the characteristics to the children (Thinkasaurus, Explorasaurus and Tryasaurus). Each classroom has a wellbeing area for children to access during continuous provision. Staff sensitively respond to children’s needs.

We also teach discrete PSED sessions where children build their foundational learning across the year ready for their Year 1 learning. They cover a wide range of units from money management to sun safety. All units are designed to meet the needs of our children.

KS1 and KS2

Throughout Key Stage 1 and 2 PSHE is taught for up to 1 hour a week. There is some flexibility in the planning and overviews to allow teachers to respond to issues that we cannot plan for on a local, country or global level. We use a range of strategies to deliver PSHE: circle time, planned resources, videos, audio clips and ICT. As the curriculum has been designed in-house it allows us to incorporate many 'events' and 'observations' through the year. We can also out-source many of the topics to experts, such as oral health, sun safety, animal safety, water safety. We have bought in to some resources, EC publishing has provided us with comprehensive, high quality RSE resources. There has also been some visits planned through the year to achieve some elements of the PSHE curriculum. We cover living in the wider world, relationships and mental health and wellbeing. As of January 2023 we have taken on the My Happy Minds, NHS and evidence-backed mental health scheme of learning. 

We have designed a curriculum to meet the specific needs of the children in our specific context. We have friendships and relationships early in the year as children may have spent too much or too little time with others over the holidays. We discuss good sleeping patterns and being outdoors in the summer terms to encourage healthy habits over holidays. We teach about water safety as we are close to the river. We teach about drugs and alcohol as Preston has a significantly higher rate of alcohol admissions to hospital. We teach about healthy diets as only 13% of Prestonians eat the recommended 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. We teach about sun health and teeth cleaning as we feel these are important life skills. 

PSHE will cover some British values and SMSC objectives and makes links across the curriculum (see grid below)

PSHE will be taught by the class teacher primarily, especially where the subject is of a sensitive nature. 



Within our PSED curriculum, we strive to enrich the children’s learning experience and to help prepare students for life and work by developing ‘skills for life’. Children are enabled to develop their vocabulary and confidence needed to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings openly, trust and respect, apply skills learnt to manage and recognise own well-being needs and know how and when they can seek the support of others. We aim to positively impact any social and emotional barriers to learning by building confidence and self-esteem.

KS1 and KS2 

Through Key Stage 1 and 2 we firmly believe that a purposeful and tailored PSHE curriculum is the key to children becoming confident, tolerant and well-rounded adults. Children can approach a range of real life situations with confidence and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate them through modern life. From exposure to a range of global issues and problems, children can build up tolerance and a sense of responsibility of being a global citizen. Children can understand the different lifestyles that people may live and be respectful towards those leading different lives to themselves. Children will demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty. Children will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – attendance will be in-line with national and behaviour will be consistently good. Children will achieve age-related expectations across the wider curriculum. Children will develop positive and healthy relationships with their peers both now and in the future. Children will understand the physical aspects and vocabulary involved in RHE at an age-appropriate level. Children will have positive body images. Children will have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe, physically, mentally and online, they will know what to do if they feel worried or uncomfortable. 

As a result of this they will become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who understand how they are developing personally and socially, and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

Equality and diversity

The school is committed to support the Equality Act of 2010 and, as such, believes that all pupils should be exposed to curriculum content and resources which reflect modern Britain. Pupils are enabled to see themselves and others within the resources used and acquire knowledge and skills, understanding that curriculum content is relevant and has purpose for them. We have begun the journey of updating and replacing the literature associated with PSHE, we have looked to make relevant and purposeful links between texts and the lesson outcomes. 

Access and inclusion

Every child has access to the PSHE curriculum and the Special Education Needs and EAL co-ordinators assist staff to ensure that children have the necessary resources to learn their next steps in learning. A variety of resources such as additional support staff, laptops, ipads, overlays, coloured paper and enlarged text support individuals to access learning. We use specific resources designed with SEN children in mind. We use planning support to tailor the curriculum to meet the specific needs of the children in our cohort. We endeavour to ensure that all children make the necessary progress to succeed in their acquisition of PSHE knowledge and skills.

Deepening Spirituality

Teachers use a variety of resources including audio visual, texts, visits and visitors to enable pupils to understand the world they live in and to reflect on their own identity as well as that of others. A sense of awe and wonder is developed through study of the subject and a celebration for that which enriches the world for all. We encourage our pupils to believe that they can change the world for the better after continuing to acquire knowledge from this curriculum subject.


It will be assessed against half-termly assessment grids which match the learning objectives. These can be found on the overview and assessment grid documents. Pupils will be tracked against both their Disciplinary and Substantive knowledge. Teachers also complete short burst formative assessment at the beginning and end of each lesson using simple activities like word banks and spider diagrams. 


Visits and Visitors

This year we have welcomed some visitors to enhance our PSHE curriculum: 

  • Prevent strategy team - KS2 workshops 
  • Canal and River Trust - KS2 assembly 
  • Resus Rangers - year 6 online assembly 
  • Fire Service - keeping safe at home
  • Police - Road safety with KS2
  • Bike skills workshop - training with year 5

Websites to support PSHE learning

Healthy Lifestyles:

Change for Life

Cosmic Yoga

Go Noodle

Get Kids Cooking!

Sun safety 

water safety 

Oral health 

Sex, Health and Relationships:

RSE Government Publications

BBC Relationships




Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health:

Mentally Healthy Schools

Young Minds


My Happy Minds 


Financial Capability:

Natwest Money Sense

Santander money 



Think You Know

Parent Zone

Google-Be Internet Legend






Bullying Alliance

BBC Bullying Class Clips



Child Bereavement

Childhood Bereavement Network

Cruse Bereavement Care


Kids Health


Where does learning the PSHE curriculum take you? PSHE is wonderfully positioned to give you the skills to complement all other areas of the curriculum to help you achieve whatever you want, it gives you the skills and attributes to allow you to be a global citizen and to navigate the world to contribute to it, to be a global citizen. 

Recommended books - a full books list is available below and signposted in the scheme of work. 

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