The Ofsted Report is Out!

We are so proud of our latest Ofsted report and where we were "Outstanding" for Personal Development!  Well done one and all!

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What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils, including children in the early years, are proud to attend this friendly school
where everyone is made to feel welcome. Pupils benefit from the kind and caring
relationships that they have with staff and each other. This helps them to grow in

Pupils know that staff will always listen to any worries or concerns that they may
have. Pupils said that this helps to make the school a happy, safe and harmonious

From the moment that children join the early years they are encouraged to follow
the St Stephen’s Way. The school has high expectations for pupils’ achievement and
behaviour. Pupils do their best to live up to these expectations. They are polite,
respectful, kind and gentle towards others. This creates a calm and purposeful
atmosphere in which all pupils, including those with special educational needs
and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.

Pupils relish the wide range of leadership opportunities available to them. For
example, pupils who act as representatives of the school council and those who act
as ‘values leaders’ take their roles seriously. They know that they can make a
difference to the lives of others. Pupils understand that it is important to be diligent
when they take on these extra responsibilities. They explained that these
opportunities help to prepare them for life beyond school. 


You can read our Ofsted Report in full on the Key Information Page by clicking here


Aspire to Greatness