Ofsted and Performance Data
Ofsted & SIAMS
Please find above our most recent Ofsted & SIAMS reports.
Data Overview
Please find below performance data for St Stephen's School from the most recent academic year, tracking back to the 2018-19 academic year.
Every year, we have many pupils join us mid-year and those pupils, we class as transient pupils. We analyse our performance data with these pupils firstly included, and then also excluded for comparative purposes.
Please follow the link here to the data held by the DfE on the school's performance. Please note that the KS2 data for 2023 on the DfE tables includes 5 pupils who were new to country and whose data has not yet been removed from the DfE figures.
Our Data 2022-23
Through the 2022-23 academic year, 80 new children joined St Stephen's. The majority of these pupils joined from countries outside of the UK, many of whom had little to no English language.
EYFS Result 2023
During the 22-23 academic year, 11 new pupils joined Reception class at various points throughout the year; several in the latter half of the year. The year group was made up of 45 children of whom, 9 were pupil premium, 4 had special educational needs and 26 had English as an additional language.
At the end of the 2022 academic year, 64% of the Reception cohort achieved GLD (Good Level of Development).
Phonics Result 2023
During the 22-23 academic Year, 12 children joined the Year 1 cohort, some, just a week before the phonics screening. The year group was made up of 41 children (at the point of screening) of whom 13 were pupil premium, 7 had special educational needs and 19 had English as an additional language.
In the Year 1 phonics screening assessment, 63% of children passed with a score of 32/40 or more.
If children do not pass the phonics screening test in Year 1, they re-take the assessment at the end of Year 2. After the re-takes this year, and including new children to school, 84% of children had met the pass mark of at least 32/40.
KS1 Result 2023
During the 22-23 academic year, 8 new pupils joined Year 2 class at various points throughout the year; several in the latter half of the year. The year group was made up of 44 children (at the point of assessment) of whom 19 were pupil premium, 9 had special educational needs and 22 had English as an additional language.
At the end of Year 2, children are assessed against an interim framework to establish if they are working at the expected standard (EXS), greater depth standard (GDS) or below the expected standard (WTS, PKF).
In these assessments the results were as follows;
- 65% of children reached age related expectation in reading and 16% reached the higher standard.
- 58% of children reached age related expectation in writing and 12% reached the higher standard.
- 61% of children reached age related expectation in maths and 7% reached the higher standard.
KS2 results 2023
During the 22-23 academic year, 8 new pupils joined Year 6, with many pupils being new to the UK and the English language. The year group was made up of 34 children (at the point of assessment) of whom 11 were pupil premium, 6 had special educational needs and 20 had English as an additional language. 56% of the cohort had been at St Stephen's since they sat Y2 tests.
During the Summer Term, Year 6 complete statutory assessments in Reading, Maths and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling). At this time, they are also assessed in writing but in a slightly different way.
At the end of the 2022-23 academic year the results were as follows;
- 45% of children reached expected standard in reading and 21% reached the higher standard.
- 62% of children reached expected standard in writing and 12% reached the higher standard.
- 69% of children reached expected standard in maths and 17% reached the higher standard.
- 69% of children reached expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling and 21% reached the higher standard.
- 45% of the cohort reached expected in all three areas (reading, writing & maths) and 7% achieved the greater depth standard in all areas.
The Department for Education (DfE) have expressed caution when considering the school data over the period of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the 'uneven impact of the pandemic on 2021/22 school and college performance data'.
Therefore the DfE recommends:
- Not making direct comparisons with data from previous years or between schools or colleges.
- Discussing with the school or college factors that may have influenced these results and consider a range of information when forming a view on how well a school or college is doing, including pupil/student population information
It is not encouraged to make comparisons when reviewing the 2018-19 data and the non-statutory 2021-22 data.
Our Data 2021-22
Although assessment was completed during the 2021-22 academic year, the Government have held off the requirement to publish data, due to the impact of the pandemic on performance, until next academic year (2023-2024). Therefore, there are no official links of tables to demonstrate school performance.
Our data is as follows:
EYFS Results 2022
At the end of the 2022 academic year, 67% of the Reception cohort achieved GLD (Good Level of Development). Many of our pupils join St Stephen's significantly below age-related expectation and therefore good progress was made by all pupils.
Phonics Results 2022
In the Year 1 phonics screening assessment, completed in June, 69% of children passed with a score of 32/40 or more.
If children do not pass the phonics screening test in Year 1, they re-take the assessment at the end of Year 2. After the re-takes this year, 85% of children had met the pass mark of at least 32/40.
KS1 Results 2022
At the end of the 2021-22 academic year the results were as follows;
- 59% of children reached expected standard in reading and 0% achieved the higher standard.
- 52% of children reached expected standard in writing and 2% achieved the higher standard.
- 57% of children reached expected standard in maths and 4% achieved the higher standard.
KS2 Results 2022
At the end of the 2021-22 academic year, the results were as follows;
- 65% of children reached expected standard in reading and 20% achieved the higher standard.
- 58% of children reached expected standard in writing and 3% achieved the higher standard.
- 60% of children reached expected standard in maths and 13% achieved the higher standard.
- 78% of children reached expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling and 28% achieved the higher standard.
- 48% of the cohort reached expected in all three areas (reading, writing & maths).
Our Data 2018-19
EYFS Results 2019
At the end of the 2019 academic year, 51% of the Reception cohort achieved GLD (Good Level of Development).
Phonics Results 2019
In the Year 1 phonics screening assessment 60% of children passed with a score of 32/40 or more. As St Stephen's, many children join the school after mid-way through their schooling and also part way through a year. When we take that into account, and remove transient children from the data, there was a 65% pass rate.
KS1 Results 2019
At the end of the 2019 academic year, the results were as follows;
- 60% of children reached expected standard in reading and 16% reached the higher standard
- 56% of children reached expected standard in writing and 16% reached the higher standard
- 60% of children reached expected standard in maths and 16% reached the higher standard
When removing transient children from the data, 67% reached expected standard in reading, 67% in writing and 67% in maths. 61% reached expected standard in combined reading, writing and maths.
KS2 Results 2019
At the end of the 2019 academic year, the results were as follows;
- 67% of children reached expected standard in reading and 19% of children reached the higher standard
- 60% of children reached expected standard in writing and 12% reached the higher standard
- 74% of children reached expected standard in maths and 23.5% reached the higher standard
- 79% of children reached the expected standard and 40% of pupils reached the higher standard
- 56% of the cohort reached expected in all three areas (reading, writing & maths).
When removing transient children from the data, 80% reached expected standard in reading, 79% in GPS (grammar, punctuation & spelling), 70% in writing and 83% in maths. 63% reached expected standard in combined reading, writing and maths.
Progress Scores for 2019 at KS2 were:
Reading 1.0 Writing -1.4 Maths -0.4