Nursery 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Nursery

Mrs Goodwin is the Nursery teacher and Miss Thorpe-Kennedy is the teaching assistant. 

Nursery Sessions

Full Time provision (8.45 a.m - 2.45 p.m)

Morning sessions (8.45 a.m - 11.45 a.m)

Afternoon sessions (12.15 p.m - 3.15 p.m)

We have a range of excellent resources and activities to enable your child to grow, develop and engage in adventurous and imaginative play. Children have access to a fantastic, spacious outdoor area where children are encouraged to use ‘whatever the weather’!

Have a look at our pictures in the links at the bottom of the page.

Click here to see if you are eligible for 30 free hours provision

Key Workers

 Mrs Goodwin and Miss Thorpe-Kennedy are the key workers for all nursery children. They work closely with you as parents and with your child, to form a special relationship, giving your child reassurance and guidance; helping them to settle quickly into Nursery life.  Each day the children spend time with their Key Workers where they participate in various activities.


In the Early Years Foundation Stage we use a piece of software/app called Seesaw. It allows us to take photos/videos of your child, link them to the areas of learning they are working in. 

Home Reading

In Nursery your child will bring home a reading book to share with you at home. Your child will choose their own reading book to bring home to share. If you choose to share another book with your child, please write this in their reading record too. Your child will have opportunity to change their reading book regularly. Please ensure you complete an activity and sign your child’s reading record each time you read. Children will read individually with an adult once a week.


The children have access to outdoors whatever the weather so it is important that your child always has a coat and pair of named wellies they can leave at Nursery. We provide outdoor outfits for messy and wet play. 

Useful links to websites



Top Marks

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