Take a look at the RE page and worship page for more information about spiritual elements of our curriculum. Our SMSC opportunities are identified on our yearly overviews on the curriculum page.
In the Autumn term there were many SMSC opportunities.

  • We raised money for the Macmillan nurses with our annual coffee morning.
  • The local fire service came to talk to Y2 and Y6 about keeping safe.
  • We raised money for Children in Need with lots of different fundraising activities (see class pages)
  • We raised awareness and money for our chosen class charities throughout this term.
  • We raised money for the Bishop's Harvest Appeal and donated food to the Foxton Centre and the Salvation Army.
  • Y2 helped make our local area look tidy by planting spring bulbs in Winckley Square for the 'Purple for Polio' appeal. It was great to work with the Rotary Club, Preston Council, Lancashire TV and meet the Mayor!
  • We had our outdoor Remembrance service with members from the RNBL and our local community.
  • Y2 had a community speaker, Alan, who talked to us all about our local area and the history of Preston, particularly Avenham park.
  • We had our own election and voted for 1 of 2 proposals delivered by Eco council (see British values section on our curriculum page).
  • The Community Connectors came to talk to us about the work they do in the community and we took part in a competition to design their logo!
  • Our choir sang at Judd House residential centre for elderly people and also at St Stephen's Church for Harvest and carols by candlelight.
  • We had visitors from Child Action North West who came to talk to us about mental health. Mrs Devitt and the school choir took part in an emojinal health event at King George's Hall in Blackburn.


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