Year 4 2023 - 2024

Welcome To Year 4's class page

Our class teacher is Miss Crowe. 

Mr Ingram helps us with our learning.

The door opens on the infant yard for our class at 8.40am and the school day starts at 8.45am. For collection at the end of the day, the children are brought to the KS2 yard to be collected by their parents at 3.20pm. 


Homework each week will usually consist of:

1x Literacy and 1x Maths (these will include spellings, TT rockstars and Read Theory)

Each half term:1 x Other (usually science or topic work)

Homework will be sent home on a Friday and will be due back into school on or before the following Tuesday.

If children ever have problems with their homework, please encourage them to speak to me about it as soon as possible. We can then go through it again together before it is due to be handed in.

Please ensure your child goes on TT Rockstars as often as possible as this is a fantastic resource to help your child learn their times tables.

General Reminders…

Indoor PE- Wednesday

Outdoor PE- Thursday

Environmental area - Friday

Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled. Trainers and a sweatshirt or jumper may be worn for outdoor PE. For health and safety please ensure no earrings are worn on these days.

In order for your child to access water during the school day, please send them in with one from home. Please only send water and make sure it is non-spill.


Daily reading, of at least 15 minutes per day, is expected of all pupils. A home reading record has been provided for you to comment and sign. All pupils must have their reading records signed. Reading is an essential part of learning and it is fantastic when we can support the children both at school and home. Home reading books will be changed when necessary. Children should also complete some Read Theory as often as possible as this supports their reading and comprehension.

Class Dojo...

The school is continuing to use the Class Dojo software as a reward system. Most parents are already signed up from last year but for those who aren't, a letter detailing how to sign up and access the app will be sent home with your child. Once downloaded, you will then be able to see how your child is getting on in class and have access to the message facility where I will post updates about the class. This is a great way to keep in touch and on track of your child's achievements / rewards / sanctions. If you are having trouble accessing this then just let me know. Any messages you feel I need to be made aware of can also be given to the bursar at the office and they will be passed on to me.

Useful links to websites...

Mirodo -

Read Theory - 

TT Rockstars -

Splash Learn -

Hit the button - 

Spelling shed -