Magic Club

Welcome to the magic club page!

Who: Mr Scott runs our Year 6 magic club. It is open to anyone in Year 6.

What: The magic club is for anyone who wants to improve their confidence by learning card magic. If your child has any interest in learning card magic - no matter how much experience they have - they are welcome to join.

Where: In the Year 6 classroom.

When: Every Thursday during lunchtime from 12:00pm - 12:30pm (unless another prearranged event is taking place).

Why: We want our children to be confident, young, adults-in-the-making when they leave our school. Card magic teaches a lot of the skills required to help this confidence. Oracy is an important part of our curriculum - and at this club they will learn how to talk through what they are doing. They learn how to speak to adults with confidence and authorty, as well as learning slight-of-hand and other methods that we cannot possible tell you on a website. It is magic after all... 

Your child does not need a permission letter to take part. Any child interested just needs to speak to Mr Scott and express and interest.

The club runs for the whole of the Autumn term and will finish with our children performing their tricks at an external venue to a live audience.