St Stephen's Promise

As part of our curriculum offer to ensure all pupils have an enriching and challenging curriculum which raises cultural capital, we ave developed our "St Stephen's Promise". A list of experiences that we feel children should have before they leave primary school.  These may be delivered through curriculum lessons, trips or visitors into school. By the end of year 6 Children will:

Get outside into their world

Experience weekly Forest School sessions.

To build a bug hotel.

Build a den.

Have the opportunity to go on a residential trip.

Conduct fieldwork studies.

Visit a park in all four seasons.

To look after their world

Have the opportunity to take care of and feed animals and understand what they need to survive.

Plant seeds and watch them grow to understand how to nurture living things.

Visit a recycling plant/environmental educational area to understand how important this is to protecting our world.

Learn about wildlife, sports and culture in their world

Visit a zoo/animal sanctuary.

Visit a farm.

Visit a contrasting locality ie. Lake district.

Visit an auditorium to see live theatre, music or cinema.

Experience the work of modern and classic artists in a gallery.

Go to a museum.

Meet an author/poet and be inspired to write.

Have the opportunity to represent the school in sport.

Have access to professional sports coaching.

Learn a musical instrument.

Learn about the cultures and faiths represented in Modern Britain

Hear about and experience cultural celebrations from other faiths.

Visit the main places of worship for faiths near our school and also a synagogue/hear from a Jewish representative.

Take part in a community event.

Enjoy spiritual enrichment days.

Experience hearing from a range of visitors including: our emergency services personnel, health workers and religious leaders.

To be confident members of their world

Regularly take part in performances for each other and our school community.

Regularly take part in school worships for each other and the whole school community

Have opportunities for leadership in councils and recognised roles of responsibility.

Have the opportunity to try a varied selection of clubs.

Visit another school setting.

To be prepared for their futures

Learn about road safety and how to cross the road and be safe when riding a bicycle.

To have an economic awareness of retail, budgeting and other money matters.

Learn basic cooking skills including baking bread.

To learn to swim.

Follow and cook recipes whilst building and awareness of and tasting a variety of foods less familiar to them.

Visit a supermarket.

Learn to create finished items in textiles and yarns using traditional skills such as sewing and knitting.

To help to change their world for the better

Fundraise for charities which are close to their hearts through our courageous advocacy programme.

Have opportunities to have question and answer sessions with experts.

Take part in democratic elections for school issues and leaders.

Write purposeful letters for different reasons and post them with the hope of a reply.

Understand the court process and how they can play their part in the justice system.