Year 6 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Year 6!

Current topics

In the first autumn half term, we will be studying the following topics:

  • Literacy – Narrative writing (The Nowhere Emporium).
  • Maths – Place Value and the Four Operations.
  • Science – Forces.
  • Computing – Systems & Networks.
  • History – Ancient Greece.
  • Art – Greek Pottery.
  • RE – Judaism.
  • PE – Outdoor Adventurous Activities and Gymnastics.
  • Music – The Planets – Gustav Holst.
  • French – Recap of previous French knowledge.

Educational Visits

This half term, we will be visiting a synagogue as part of our RE unit on Judaism.

Class Organisation

Each day, your child will be expected to bring in the following: their reading book, their reading diary and their water bottle. They will also be expected to come into school in full uniform with their PE kit also in school.

Key Stage 2 Snacks

Children can bring in a snack for morning break. The snack should be a healthy piece of fruit. Crisps, chocolates and sweets are not permitted as a snack.


Below are the two clubs currently being run in Year 6 this half term. Clubs do change throughout the year:

  • Football Club – Tuesdays from 3:20pm – 4:20pm.
  • Magic Club – Thursday lunchtimes.

School Spider/Class Dojo

School Spider is our online app/system where you can pay for school-related items such as: school trips, events and school dinners. It also allows you to book parents’ evening appointments. Class Dojo is our online behaviour management system which allows teachers to praise a child directly for their fantastic attitude to learning, as well as provide a communication platform between home and the class teacher.

PE Kit

The following PE kit is required for all pupils:

Indoor sessions (Fridays) - Plain white round neck t-shirt, plain black shorts, black PE pumps.

Outdoor sessions (Tuesdays) – Same as above plus a jumper and tracksuit bottoms (for colder weather). Old trainers are required for outdoor PE.

No earrings can be worn.


Homework is set at the end of the week. It is to be completed and returned by the following Tuesday. The weekly homework is as follows:

*CGP SATs Grammar Book (2 pages).

*CGP SATs Maths Book (2 pages).

*Read Theory (20 minutes).

*Reading five times a week.

*10 spellings a week.

 Times Tables

Any child who does not yet know their times tables needs to be accessing TT Rock Stars daily to ensure to catch up as soon as possible. Their logins are in the back of their reading diaries.

If there are any questions about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Scott on Class Dojo – or speak to him at the end of the school day if he is available.


Otherwise, welcome to Year 6!


Kindest regards,


Mr Scott (Year 6 Class Teacher)

Mrs Garstang (Year 6 Teaching Assistant)

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