Football Club
Welcome to the football club page!
Who: Mr Scott & Mr Ingram run our school football club. It is open to anyone in Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5, Year 5/6 & Year 6).
What: The football club is a club for anyone who wants to improve their footballing skills. If your child is a regular football player and wants to try out for the school team - they are welcome to come join us. Equally, if your child is new to football/has little experience and wants to learn - they are also welcome to come.
Where: On the school field, rain or shine, whatever the weather. We train in all weathers - sun, rain, sleet and snow.
When: Every Tuesday after school from 3:20pm - 4:20pm (unless another prearranged event is using the field).
Why: We want our children to get out into the fresh air, get exercise, improve our fitness, work as a team and experience a friendly dose of competition to go alongside all of this. The club is also the gateway for getting picked for football tournaments to allow them to experience all of these skills in different settings and different environments - both inside and outside of school hours.
If you are intested, and have not yet signed up, a football club letter is attached to this page.
This club will run through all of the Autumn Term until the light gets too dim - at which point the club will finish and you will be contacted.