Year 2 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Year 2's class page

Our class teacher is Mrs Robinson

Mrs Buxton and Mrs Whittam help us with our learning.

Children come in from the infant yard at 8:45 and the school day starts promptly at 8:50 am.  The school day finishes at 3:20pm.

Homework will be given in a variety of ways including the use
of online platforms such as:

Purple Mash, maths, phonics or English activties or work set in a homework book.

If children ever have problems with their homework, please encourage them to speak to me about it as soon as possible. We can then go through it again together before it is due to be handed in.

General Reminders…

Outdoor PE - Thursday

Indoor PE - Tuesday

We venture into the environmental area as much as possible so please ensure children have appropriate footwear and clothing.  Wellies can be brought in each week or left in school each term.

Children should have in school a small water bottle with a non-spill spout.


At St. Stephen's School we love to read! Reading to or with an adult regularly has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns.  Reading also supports cognitive development and enhances learning.

Here at St. Stephen's we work really hard to support the children with their reading journey however we still need your help!  Please can you encourage your child to read everyday with you or a family member for 10/15 mins and sign their reading diary.  We change our books every Monday and Thursday and in the diary you will find questions to help you read with your child. The children need to be able to decode the words and also need to learn how to 'read for meaning'. The children should be able to read the book that they have chosen and answer questions about the book. 

Children also have access to their own Active Learn Phonics Bug account. Log in details are in the front of their reading diaries. The books on your child's account are age-related and at the phase your child is working in phonics. 

Class Dojo

The school is continuing to use the Class Dojo software as a reward system. Most parents are already signed up from last year but for those who aren't, a letter detailing how to sign up and access the app will be sent home with your child. Once downloaded, you will then be able to see how your child is getting on in class and have access to the message facility where I will post updates about the class.

Useful websites

Active Learn Phonic Bug

Purple Mash

Teach your Monster to Read
