Values in our Behaviour Policy

Our values are tremendously important to us.  We teach the Aspire values in worship and, at the beginning of each academic year, we explore our school's values in all classes and discuss the high expectations we have of ourselves and others.  We choose to live in a climate where we love and respect one another and where we practice repentence and forgiveness.

Our behaviour policy is our strategy for managing behaviour.  We all make mistakes and we are constantly developing our social, emotional and language skills.  School is a great place to learn social behaviours and our agreed values help us to maintain high standards of courtesy, good manners and respect.  

We have 6 words in the Aspire acrostic and 12 values we explore in worship.  This is a lot to remember quickly and easily which is why we developed the "St Stephen's Way" mantra which is: "Be Ready", "Be Respectful" and "Be Safe".  You can find thesewords displayed around school and we reflect on them when a wrong choice has been made.

Staff encourage and reward children as much as possible through praise, rewards such as stickers and dojo points and certificates in assemblies.  We reward a child each week, from each class, in assembly when they have shown the value of the week.  We reward a child each week who has excelled in their behaviour at lunchtimes and we reward a child in each class this week who has excelled in their learning.

We also use sanctions where mistakes have been made. We offer reminders first but dojo points are removed where a wrong choice has been made - or a child may need to use some of their break time to reflect on their wrong behaviour choice.  We offer opportunities to earn points back and to make amends when there is a need to say sorry.  Suspensions are used where behaviour has been very dangerous or highly disruptive.  We aim to help children with additional needs using nurture, additional provisions, specialist teacher advices and links with the short stay provision in Leyland. As a result, we are proud to say that permanent exclusions from this school are avoided. 

We are very grateful to our families for supporting our behaviour strategy and for working with us when they are notified that a child has made a wrong choice.  Together we can help our children to grow into the emotional strong and healthy adults that they need to be to succeed in their future lives.

be ready.JPG    be respectful.JPG    Be safe.JPG

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